Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday

My friend took me and two German exchange students to the mall before Black Friday so we could wait in line for hours. The two Germans were so excited, recording the whole thing (ESPECIALLY when everyone was let in) and snapping pictures of the "crazy Americans" running for "free stuff". They could barely keep up!!!

But when it was done, they told us it was a little bit much. Which was when I realized that money DID seem to rule my life!! I was so tempted to spend more than I did, and it took a lot of self-convincing not to. Yeah, I'll appreciate my batman jacket and video game, but that doesn't mean that in ten years when I can't use them any more that I'll still feel the same way.

It's the monetary poison!! I THOUGHT I WAS IMMUNE!!!

Ross Douthat on Money, our Sovereign

Ross Douthat noted that "In Europe, democracy is being sacrificed in the scramble to save the euro." Throughout his blog entries, he berates the economic bosses and the average world citizens for placing the dollar (or euro) in front of their own well being. Which, sadly, is true--the dollar is an infectious disease.

Ross Douthat has acknowledged that. And he acknowledges that money can't buy everything we need, and is raising the costs of things we consider necessary.

We can't live with it, but at this rate, it is probably the most vile of all Necessary Evils--unable to be removed, but always out of some's grasp. Twisted.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Who Just Said What?

I'm dumb. Everyone is dumb in some way.

This opening of this blog is just dumb. But that doesn't mean I'm going to change it (thank laziness).

And THAT is what is really funny about this world. We can see the stupidity but we don't have the brains to change it--we can see the ignorance but we just can't get around to solving it.

Take me, for example. I've turned in half-brained essays and worksheets all of highschool without bothering to try. It's just something I needed to get done. Or I've noticed someone strangely depressed, or hurt, or bullied, and held a blank gaze. Nothing. I chose to do nothing.

We don't really care who just said what. We really don't understand the world at all.

Because we're dumb.

Dumb blog entry.

Frank Bruni has Seen the Idiots

Fools run the world--they're next door, they're in politics, but most importantly they're me and you. The ignorant people who can't see the truth until it's punched our face into the dirt and rubbed it into scars.

In Frank Bruni's stories, he tells about molesters who work with kids, politicians who don't know what they're saying, and a whole other package of fools. It was a pattern that Bruni found easy to find--finging the idiotic in all of us.

He seemed to be hinting that the most idiot people were ourselves.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Irony of Economy

People love to hate. Especially on the economy. The people up Top try to come up with solutions to every problem, and they either fail or are criticized so much that they fail in theory. People like me like to sit back and watch all the idiots squabble online or on television over problems that will probably take longer than expected to fix.

Which is why I think people up top need to live as a poor man for a week and then restrategize. They might actually get somewhere.

This sounds oddly like a meme a friend showed me earlier today:


It seems appropriate.

Joel Stein--Sarcastic Guru

Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty certain Joel Stein in the guy in the back of Time magazine with the column that slaps around his opinion twice a month. From what I've seen on his blog and in the magazine, Stein thinks the government and the economy it supports is a joke. He wryly opposes Obamas attempts to cure the system while laughing at the common things people do to try to solve it. For that reason, he is the voice of the cynical Americans who think this economy is run by fools. There's not much more to it.,0,1575456.columnist