Sunday, February 12, 2012

Reflection of Action 4: Act 2

The Boy looks up from his card game. "Sir....why did you do that to Pozzo and Lucky?"

I glance at him, tearing my eyes off the Screen. "Why do you ask?"

"Pozzo, although a bit odd at times, didn't really need that to happen to him....and Lucky, he just needed a bit of truth..."

"A church such as Pozzo's is infectious, and often misled in its sects. His guidance and influence is seemed suitable."


I consider this a moment.

"His words defied me. Knowledge without a base. Science without soul." I turn back to the Screen. "You saw how the other three reacted whenever he rambled for too long. It worried and confused Vladimir and Estragon."

"So....if he hadn't been silenced...."

"They would have forgotten what they were waiting for."

"And same for Pozzo?"


The Boy returned to his games.

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